Understanding common shoulder pain causes will help you to minimize problems that may cause you discomfort and pain in your daily life. When you are aware of some of the most common shoulder pain causes, you may be able to avoid them and prevent additional problems from arising. Our team at Grant Chiropractic can provide you with a broad array of chiropractic services to improve your health and minimize the likelihood of pain and discomfort. Here are a few common shoulder pain causes.
How the Shoulder Works
The shoulder is made up of a group of tendons and 4 muscles. This muscle grouping is referred to as the rotator cuff. It helps to provide your shoulder with a wider range of motion, which allows you to make better use of the muscles in your shoulder. Problems with the rotator cuff are common culprits behind pain in the shoulder. For example, rotator cuff tendinitis occurs when the tendons of the shoulder become trapped beneath the bony part, which causes the tendons to become damaged or inflamed.
Broken Bone
Breaking or fracturing the shoulder will certainly lead to pain. In these situations, it is important to visit your healthcare provider to receive thorough treatment to enable your body to heal thoroughly.
Poor Posture
The posture that you practice regularly will have a huge impact on the health of various components of your body. When you have poor posture, you may develop issues due to excessive strain on various places of your body. It is important to ensure that you regularly practice great posture in order to maintain a healthy body.
Shoulder Dislocation
Having the shoulder dislocated will often cause a significant amount of pain. If this has occurred to you, it will be essential to ensure that you work with a healthcare professional to identify any damage that may have occurred to your shoulder. They will also be able to guide you through the steps of dealing with your discomfort as effectively as possible. This is an important step in minimizing any long-term damage and pain.
Dealing with Shoulder Pain
Taking the steps to minimize your discomfort can help to improve your quality of life. When you have chronic pain, it may be helpful to rest or ice the area to help minimize your discomfort. Certain medications, such as Ibuprofen can help to minimize any inflammation or swelling. It is essential to ensure that you visit a chiropractor in order to provide the appropriate steps to identify damage to your shoulder.
The various shoulder pain causes can lead to a significant amount of discomfort. If you are experiencing long-term shoulder pain, it will be essential to visit your care provider for superior treatment. The team at Grant Chiropractic can help you to take the ideal steps to minimize your discomfort and restore the health of your shoulder. To learn more about shoulder pain and the importance of chiropractic care in treating your shoulder pain, contact us at Grant Chiropractic today!