Typical Injuries You See in an Auto Accident
Car accidents change your life in an instant. Injuries sustained in a matter of seconds can take months or even years to recover from, disrupting your life and prolonging your recuperation. You might not have sustained any severe injuries in your car accident but find that minor symptoms and pains persist. Some people expect time to heal all wounds and for aches to go away on their own, but weeks go by and they find themselves living with chronic symptoms.
There are many auto injuries that have long-term consequences. If you experienced any of the following and are still living in pain, consider talking to your doctor or reaching out to a qualified chiropractor to help you.
Head Injuries
A concussion can result from your head being thrown back and forth rapidly or hitting it on a steering wheel, dashboard, etc. Immediate signs of a concussion include nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, confusion or disorientation, sleepiness, ringing in the ears and light sensitivity.
If you’ve had prolonged issues with headaches, memory loss and concentration following your accident, a doctor can perform a physical exam and neurological assessment to rule out a concussion or other undetected head injury.
One of the most common auto injuries is whiplash. Whiplash is caused by the sudden jerk of a vehicle which “whips” the neck back and forth rapidly, irritating the neck’s muscles and tendons. The rapid flex and extension of the neck that causes whiplash is typically seen in rear-end collisions. As a result of whiplash, you may experience frequent neck pain and stiffness, difficulty moving your neck or the worsening of pain with movement. In some cases, whiplash clears up on its own overtime, but some people experience prolonged symptoms.
Whiplash can cause painful headaches and neck and shoulder pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers and ice are first-aid remedies, but a physician can also help find a more effective solution in severe cases.
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Headaches, pain and decreased range of motion can be caused by injuries to your muscoloskeletal system which includes your muscles, tendons, blood vessels, soft tissue and other nerves. Injured muscles and tendons can cause severe pain and be just as debilitating as an actual fracture or break. Musculoskeletal injuries can cause swelling, numbness, heaviness and pain in the affected areas. Common points of injury include the neck, back, shoulders, arms and legs and hands.
Can a chiropractor help?
In the following weeks after a car accident, chiropractic care can help manage symptoms and reduce pain. The added stress of insurance claims, legal action and recovery can cause tension that exacerbates the healing body’s symptoms. A skilled chiropractor can help relieve this tension by coming up with an individualized treatment plan and addressing your symptoms head-on.
Once primary injuries have been healed, a chiropractor can help you fully recover by alleviating the severity of chronic symptoms such as pain and tenderness, swelling, tingling and numbness. If you’ve been plagued by headaches following a crash, a spinal or cervical neck adjustment may be the solution to your problems.
Reach out and learn about your options today.