Common Sport Injuries
Spring is right around the corner, which unfortunately means so are some common spring sport injuries. If you or your loved ones are planning to participate in spring sports, we recommend some preparation time to get the muscle, ligaments, and joints ready for more use in the near future. When the body is prepared to start handling intense sports, the risk of sport injuries is drastically reduced. Here are some common injuries to be aware of, and the treatments that are used to help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.
Overuse Injuries
When your joints haven’t been used as physically as they do when performing sports, its easy for sport injuries to occur. Sports movements are often repetitive in nature, causing more use of the joint, which often increases the risk of injury. The muscles too can have strain issues from repetitive movement, leading to sore and stiff muscles soon after performing the sport.
Bone Bruising
Many spring sport injuries include bone bruising. Baseball and softball players often deal with the most extreme types one bone bruising. Bone bruising needs proper manipulation to help break up the contusion and help the body tap into it’s natural healing abilities.
Back Injury
The back is one of the areas the entire body uses for every sport. Certain sports can increase the likelihood of sport injuries more than others, but its common for almost every spring sport to require extra usage of the back. For example, hitting a baseball requires tremendous force from the back to have enough momentum to hit the ball. Golfers often deal with back strain after driving a ball.
How to Reduce Spring Injury Risk
If you have had an injury in the past, we do recommend focusing on strengthening the body and muscles to help improve them prior to being used again. When the muscles are warmed up and prepared, they are less likely to end up dealing with overuse and strains. Almost all of the spring sports injuries we treat can be prevented. Here are some tips to help you reduce spring injury risk:
- Always warm up the muscles before participating in sports
- Drink plenty of water to help avoid dehydration
- Wear correct safety equipment when performing the sport
- Do not encourage your child to “push through the pain” as it could make the injury significantly worse
- Give the body proper recovery time to reduce injury risk
Chiropractic Treatment for Spring Injuries
If you are in need of a second opinion before receiving surgery, contact our Kaysville Chiropractic Clinic. We can perform an examination to determine the extent of the injury. Our goal is to get to the root of the problem in order to provide effective treatment. Our experts will help your body use its natural healing abilities to strengthen the body and help you get back to enjoying spring sports again. Chiropractic treatment for spring injuries normally focuses on massage therapy and modalities to help manipulate the muscles and restore the body’s alignment. When the body is properly aligned, the nervous system has an easier time delivering messages, and proper blood flow to the muscles. Our chiropractic treatments are designed to heal the body by allow it to use its natural healing capabilities. Patients often find chiropractic treatment helps to heal the body faster, and decreases the need for pain medications.